marți, 17 mai 2011

Stadionul Wembley, FA Cup, 10 Gigapixeli, 360 de grade - ce-ti poti dori mai mult

Jeffrey Martin is a busy man. Having already shot an 80 gigapixel panorama of London's skyline and a 40 gigapixel peek inside a Czech library, he has now turned his attention to England's hallowed Wembley Stadium. The recently rebuilt home of football served as the stage for a new 360-degree panorama, shot during the FA Cup Final this Saturday, which spans 10 gigapixels in total and has been made available online at the source link below. Recording was done using a DSLR mounted to a custom robot rig that would continually pump out imagery to an equally exclusive Fujitsu workstation equipped with 192GB of RAM and 24 processing cores. All that grunt was used to automatically stitch more than 1,000 high-res images together, earning the finished product the title of world's largest 360-degree sports panoramic photo. Give the source a bash to tag yourself if you were at the Final or to check to see who else was there.

Jeffrey Martin este cu siguranta un om ocupat. Dupa panorama de 40 de gigapixeli a cerului Londrei, acum s-a gandit si la fanii sportului si a reusit sa realizeze o panorama de 10 gigapixeli in total a stadionului Wembley din Londra in timpul finalei FA Cup. Poza a fost reusita folosind un DSLR montat pe un robot speical ce facea imagini in continuu si le transporta mai apoi la un super computer Fujitsu echipat cu 192 GB de RAM si 24 de nuclee. Poza compusa din 1000 de imagini de rezolutie ridicata a fost declarata cea mai mare pictura sporitva din lume pana in acest moment.

Via Engadget
Poza poate fi gasita aici

duminică, 15 mai 2011

Ecranul pliabil Samsung: nu cedeaza nici dupa 100000 de incercari

Samsung demoed some fascinating AMOLEDs at this year's CES, including 4.5-inch flexible and 19-inch transparent displays -- neither of which, sadly, will reach the market any time soon. But the innovation train keeps on rolling, and Sammy's Advanced Institute of Technology now has a prototype foldable display, which may or may not be the same reference design spotted at FPD 2008. Its two panels have a closing radius of only 1mm, meaning they practically touch when closed, yet show no visible crease when opened. In fact, the developers performed 100,000 folding-unfolding cycles to test the junction; the negligible 6% decrease in brightness was invisible to the human eye. They used commercially-available silicone rubber to achieve that seamless look, and the prototype featured a protective glass cover which could also function as a touchscreen. Obviously there's a market for touchscreens you can fold up and put in your pocket; here's hoping Samsung can make them available sooner rather than later.

Via Engadget

Pe scurt: Samsung a creat ecranul AMOLED indestructibil. Pentru necunoscatori, Samsung e cea mai mare producatoare de ecrane LED si in special AMOLED. Deasemenea este singura companie care produce ecrane SuperAMOLED si se pare ca in curand singura ce va produce ecrane transparente si pliabile de dimensiuni atat medii (pentru smartphone-uri) cat si mari (19-25'').


Asa cum multi stiti sau poate ca nu (nu de alta dar nu prea aveti de unde), la ora de fizica ne-a fost dat sa publicam un referat cu o tema anume. Mi-e mi-a cazut in mod exceptional tema "Metode de rezolvare a problemelor de fizica" (domnul profesor stie de ce;) ). Asa ca am in aceasta seara onoarea de a posta acest micut referat in speranta ca voi capata o nota care sa-mi "ajute" media. Cum platforma blogger e limitata si eu sunt prea lenes sa fac in acest moment cont pe site-ul concurent (cough*wordpress*cough), voi posta o legatura externa spre un binecunoscut site de upload de pe care orice doritor poate downloada referatul mai sus mentionat.

Link-ul este aici. Enjoy!


Bun. Sa incepem cu inceputul. Acesta este noul meu blog. Nu ma intereseaza parerea nimanui: daca iti place vii si citesti daca nu iti place...adio si drum bun. Voi incerca sa public diverse articole...mai mult sau mai putin interesante atat in limba romana dar in special in limba engleza. Asa ca inca o data, bine ati venit si daca nu va convine, mai sunt si alte blog-uri pe internet. Have a nice time!